Communicate seamlessly with students directly through your WCONLINE site. Set up automated reminders or have personalized conversations in online sessions
Students & tutors can connect via the built-in video chat platform or via integrations with Zoom, Webex, or Google Meet.
Tutors & admins can create survey questions and collect student feedback after each session.
Centralize student data, increase engagement, and foster stronger university relationships
Admins can set scheduling parameters, customize appointment and registration forms, and create unique student-facing announcements.
Students can sign into WCONLINE using their existing institutional credentials for an easy booking experience. Transfer key information via SAML into a student’s registration form.
In addition to one-to-one sessions, admins can create schedules for test proctoring, material and equipment reservations, and room bookings,
Unlimited configuration support, troubleshooting help, same day phone and zoom calls, and video tutorial library.
Set tutor profiles and recurring weekly availability; easily change or move appointments in case of an absence. Admins can also make each tutor available for different modalities of tutoring.
Students clock in and out for appointments and center activities online or via card swipe so you can track total traffic, and exact time spent for reporting purposes.